Friday's Friend! Cat Adoption, Homeless Animals Rescue Team | Discussing about Dogs breeds

Friday's Friend! Cat Adoption, Homeless Animals Rescue Team

My friend who pawsitively loves cats at the Homeless Animals Rescue Team came by this week to meet you- she brought Riley, a cool meowster for you to meet!

(C) Homeless Animal Rescue Team
This pawsome character, Riley, is a handsome fella who is good with mini-humans, dogs, and other confident cats!

Riley loves to be picked up, snuggle, and will curl himself up around you when you sleep!  MEOWs!!

Riley tends to be a "man's man" and can be a bit of a bully to a docile kitty!  He meowingly wants human attention and would love a "Forever Home" where he could get paws full of it!

Do you have questions about Riley?  Please contact Kelly.

If you would like to meet Riley and learn more about cat adoption, please complete the Homeless Animals Rescue Team Adoption Application!

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