Product Review: Dog CPR, First Aid + Safety for pet pros + Dedicated Owners | Discussing about Dogs breeds

Product Review: Dog CPR, First Aid + Safety for pet pros + Dedicated Owners

"Taiga and Melanie Monteiro"
Used by Permission of  HBD Media
My human and I had a pawsome opportunity to take a class together!  BARKS!  It was a pawsome experience- except for him- as I know some of his secrets - he may have a hard time sneaking to check my vitals!   WOOF!!!  

The class “Dog CPR, First Aid + Safety for pet pros + dedicated owners” which is hosted at Udemy and created by Melanie Monteiro, a pet first aid instructor, dog safety consultant, and author of The Safe Dog Handbook: A Complete Guide to Protecting Your Pooch, Indoors and Out which is endorsed by top Veterinarians!  WOOF!  Barkingly, the class would be nothing without the pawsome assistance of Taiga, Melanie’s pawsitively beautiful Labrador Retriever. BARKS!!!  She kept my attention during the entire class!

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Most humans don’t give dog first aid a second thought until something happens causing them to wish they knew what to do.   Melanie had an incident with Taiga which caused the dog to spend a night in an emergency office.  Sadly, the incident could have been easily  prevented if Melanie had been trained.  Paws.  Hence the book and video began.

The class is modeled after Melanie Monteiro’s book, The Safe Dog Handbook!  Barkingly, it goes further in that it uses video, handouts, and examples to instruct the best ways to provide first aid to your dog.  Barkingly, warnings and pawsome advice are shared to prevent future problems!

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One of the coolest features is you can view the video at your own pace. Barkingly, you can return whenever you want and as often as you would like. WOOF!!!  Get a new dog?  Review the class. Cold winter day and want something to do?  Review the class.  Preparing to travel with your dog? Review the class- you can pawsomely do this anytime you want!  WOOF!!  My human loves the simplistic, 1-2-3, matter-of-fact approach to the First Aid as it allows anyone with an interest in dogs and their care to learn all you need.  Barkingly, you can go back and repeat something whenever you want too.

Barks? What did my human learn from the class?  Paws, he learned how to check my vitals, to perform CPR and life-saving first aid skills pawsingly beneficial for choking, heatstroke, bleeding, car accidents, and accidental poisonings, to dog-proof your home and outdoors areas, how to spot bloating, preventing accidents before an emergency happens and the best car restraints for your best buddy- yes, car restraints!  BARKS!!

Why would humans want to know First Aid for their dogs? My first thought is “why not?”  If you are out traveling or taking a hike or just out playing, the skills you can learn from this class could help you save your dogs life and prevent traumatic events from being worse.
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So who’s the class for?  Any human with a dog or an interest in dogs.  More pawsicifically, dog sitters, dog walkers, trainers & doggie daycare staff, dog and puppy owners, animal shelter and rescue group volunteers. Certain professionals can receive credit for their credentials by viewing the course.

BARKS!! WOOF!!!! The course IS NOT a replacement veterinary advice. ALWAYS SEEK prompt veterinary care in an emergency. While every caution was taken to provide safe recommendations based on the standard accepted methods of pet first aid, it is impossible to predict the outcome of their use.

Used by Permission of  HBD Media

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