New Years Resolutions | Discussing about Dogs breeds

New Years Resolutions

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New Year's Resolutions, except, my human likes to call them New Year's Revelations.  These are the same as Resolutions but if he manages to follow through with them - its a Revelation!  WOOFs!

My human and I make New Year's Revelations every year in a barkingly pawsome attempt to do something better or get rid of a bad habit or start a new adventure!!

Here is our list for 2017:
  • I will walk my human every day at least 1 - 2 miles if not more.  He has this chubby belly thing going on so my goal is to put a hunk chest on him by summer so he's much less embarrassing!  WOOFs!
  • I will take my human to Deep Water Aerobics classes at the local Aquatic Center -somehow I've got to avoid seeing him in his Speedo! arf.
  • Teach my human there is no reason I cannot have a delicious-not-necessarily-good-for-you treat once in a while.  BARKS!  I'm not the one with the chubby tummy!  And since I have to walk him daily, I will not put on weight.
    (C) Allen Pearson,
    All Rights Reserved
  • Take my humans for more rides.  Not only does it benefit me, and them too, I need a driver. 
  • Convince my human to allow me spend a few more minutes with Katy when I see her walking her human along the parkway. 
  • I will do my best to learn to dig the huge holes in the backyard in the garden where my human would want a hole, rather than in the lawn where he is trying to grow grass - I can't always help where I sniff something worth digging after.
  • I will teach Mom to pet me a minimum of 2 hours a day.
  • Mom and I will spend more weekends together like the one we did when Dad went to the NASCAR races.  We have more treats, more delicious food and more of only the best water.  While Mom has all the Chinese food she wants! 
  • Since Dad has retired, he needs to pet me, rub my belly, scratch my ears and love on me, 24/7/365.  BARKS!
  • I will spend more time with my Uncle who I LOVE as we always do whatever I want. 
  • I will continue to writing and photographing about dog and cat adoption until everyone has a human to love and a "Forever Home!"  
  • I will learn to be a better photographer, now that I am a pawfectly pawsome writer. 
  • Though I do not mind my winter coat, I will continue not wearing winter boots as my crazy aunt suggested!  WOOF!
  • I will convince my human that Filet Mignon, Baked Potato, Corn, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, and the freshest bottled water is on my diet at least weekly.
  • I will do my best to be nice to the groomer.
  • My humans will finally learn by the end of 2017 that, yes indeed, the world and their world and all else does revolve around me and my needs. 
Barks!  Do you have any New Years Resolutions, er, Revelations for 2017?  Please share in the comments below!  WOOF!!!!

Happy New Year!
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